Online Specialization
«Цифровой SMM-проект: виртуальная платформа для бизнес-коммуникаций»
(Digital SMM-project: a virtual platform for business communications)
The Specialization is a series of 3 related courses and final digital-project aimed to use social media in professional activity and business communications within promotion of the digital project.
If you are a copywriter, a blogger, a photographer, a designer, a moderator, a marketing specialist or just a person seeking for self-improvement and growing own business, then this specialization is definitely for you!
Online courses for History and Philosophy of Science
Online courses cover the content of the subject “History and Philosophy of Science” that is a basic part of Federal State Educational Standards in higher education for postgraduate studies.
Our Courses
“Fishers of men” or social networking for media, business, recruitment and education
3D printing for all and everyone
Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data sampling techniques)
Genius. Talent. Golden Mediocrity
Health and healthcare in transition: dilemmas of governance
History of Survival Principles
Innovations in Industry: Mechatronics and Robotics
Introduction to Parallel Programming with OpenMP and MPI
Let’s read Russian classical literature together: “The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov
My friend is a robot. Sociocultural aspects of social robotics
Occupational psychology, industrial psychology and ergonomics
Probability Theory – Science of Chance
Psychodiagnostics and Assessment
Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment
Russian as an instrument of successful communication
Sketches of Siberia. A town of Tomsk: Russian course for foreigners