The ideal outcome from the course is to master by means of teacher-student cooperation a universal model of work with literary text that may be used as a basis of purposeful reading skills formation. These skills are significant in real communication and in training activities (both in native and foreign languages). The writing that has been selected for purposeful reading skills formation is popular in Russia as well as abroad. Moreover it is a part of the world literature gold reserves.
After completing the course learners will be able 1) to analyze a writing from the point of view of the author’s communicative idea; 2) to comment on the text considering the provided communicative task; 3) to interpret a writingdefining meaningful and linguistic units that serve as a basis of the writer’s idea development; 4) predict the content of the text basing on the sentiment analysis; 5) to construct their own judgement; 6) to introspect on the author’s images, means, communicative idea; 7) evaluate their own speech utterance as a result of the introspection on the text.