This course will demonstrate the entire process of 3D objects printing. Students will learn what is the 3D model itself and how to create 3D models in three-dimensional editors. Students will see in what ways are three-dimensional figures formed by 3D printers. Students will learn from what functional elements consist 3D printers. Students will understand how the control electronics works. It will be shown how to build and configure a personal 3D printer.
After completing this course, students will be able to
- Make and customize your own 3D printer.
- Create or edit a 3D model for printing
- Use the 3D printing technology for prototyping
Needed Learner Background
School knowledge of mechanics and electricity in physics, the ability to work with a personal computer as the user, the ability to use search engines on the Internet.
Target Audience
- Senior pupils and students
Earn a Course Certificate
When you successfully complete your course, you’ll receive an electronic Course Certificate issued by the University and Coursera.
Course Certificates can enhance anyone’s lifelong education. Use your Course Certificate to help you to find a better job, gain valuable credentials, or build on what you already know. Many students list their accomplishment on their résumés/CVs and include it on social media/career profile profiles.
Terms and Conditions
The course is free. To access full course content, you’ll need to register on the platform Coursera and to enroll into the course. The course is always open, and you’ll be able to start as soon as you enroll.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Quantum Electronics and Photonics, Faculty of Radiophysics