Online courses for History and Philosophy of Science

Online courses cover the content of the subject “History and Philosophy of Science” that is a basic part of Federal State Educational Standards in higher education for postgraduate studies.

Part 1: “History and Philosophy of Science. Common problems of Philosophy of Science”

Part 2: “Philosophy of Particular Science”

“History and Philosophy of Science” to prepare for a qualifying exam for getting the Candidate of Sciences (PhD) degree

The online courses are developed by the leading professors of the TSU Faculty of Philosophy, specialists in philosophy and methodology of sciences, authors of textbooks and learning guides on philosophy and history of sciences, including e-resources.

The online courses were successfully reviewed by the leading experts in philosophy and methodology of sciences who are the members in the examination commission for awarding degrees in the specialities and the staff of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Postgraduate students can use the online courses studying higher education programs for all specialties. This may be beneficial for the majority of the educational and scientific units implementing postgraduate programs. The courses can be useful for everyone who is interested in philosophy, history, methodology of science and engineering.