The program of the course involves training in modern methods of recognition, measurement and description of the individual psychological characteristics; learning of valid and reliable diagnostic judgments making patterns, rules of "diagnostic reasoning," with help of which changes are being made from signs or indicators of certain mental states, structure, to process of the detection presence and severity of psychological variables; most of the basic psychodiagnosis techniques implementation and formation of interpretation results skills.чности.
About the course
The course focused on:
- an adequate representation formation about the diversity of contemporary psychodiagnostics methods;
- deep learning of the current world ethical standards of psychological psychodiagnostics activity;
- development of the determine reliability results technology that obtained by different psychodiagnostics methods;
- study of classical and contemporary intellect diagnostic approaches, personality characteristics, talent potential and achievements potential of the person;
- basic skills formation with using of classical psychodiagnostics methods.
Target Audience
- HR managers, specialists of client-oriented profile, faced with the necessity of application psychodiagnostic methods and / or decision-making management based on the psychodiagnostics results
- Students of full-time or part-time Bachelor program of humanities and management areas of education
- Masters and postgraduate students with different backgrounds, bachelor at different universities and in different professions
Needed Learner Background
Basic general cultural competence of bachelor underclassman
Learning outcomes
Studying of this course help you:
- To master the technology of getting confirm consent with a client about diagnostic procedure.
- To develop skills of using standard diagnostic methods (standardized and unstandardized questionnaires, semantic differentials, projective techniques, interactive methods).
- To acquire the validation technology of applied diagnostic methods.
- To develop skills of using various types of diagnostic scales and regulation values.
- To develop skills of diagnostic results interpretation.
Terms and Conditions
To access the course content, you’ll need to register on the platform and to enroll into the course. When a learner is enrolled, the course appears on their course dashboard. All enrolled learners (including auditors and learners in the premium experience) receive course announcements, deadline reminders, and progress tracking.
Auditors have “view only access” to assignments, and can not receive grades or earn certificates. The premium experience may be accessed by paying the Course Certificate fee for the course or by receiving financial aid.
Enrollment status | Videos & Readings | Discussion forums | Practice assignments | Required assignments | Course Certificate | |
Audit | Enrolled | Full access | Full access | Full access | View only | Not eligible |
Premium | Enrolled | Full access | Full access | Full access | Full access | Eligible |
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Valeria Petrova
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Organizational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology