MOOCs are offered on open access on online platforms in various directions: art, humanities, business and management, computer technologies, biological sciences, psychology, physics, mathematics and logic, engineering, and sociology. So everyone from around the world can gain knowledge in the courses developed by the leading university professors, school teachers, additional education teachers, the best practitioners and business coaches from the professional community.
MOOC features
Free and affordable education for everyone who has Internet access
Video lectures 4–12 minutes long
Various check forms of work: short free answers, tasks with formula derivation and programming, midterm and final tests with deadlines
Peer review assignments in which learners review and grade each other’s work (essays, art, design projects, etc.)
Free communication between the instructor and learners
Earning a Course Certificate after passing all required assignments in the course
MOOCs portfolio of TSU
“Fishers of men” or social networking for media, business, recruitment and education
3D printing for all and everyone
Amazing World of Geography
Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data sampling techniques)
Ecology: from cells to Gaia
Genius. Talent. Golden Mediocrity
Health and healthcare in transition: dilemmas of governance
History of Survival Principles
Innovations in Industry: Mechatronics and Robotics
Introduction to Parallel Programming with OpenMP and MPI
Let’s read Russian classical literature together: “The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov
Life in Soil
My friend is a robot. Sociocultural aspects of social robotics
Occupational psychology, industrial psychology and ergonomics
Probability Theory – Science of Chance
Psychodiagnostics and Assessment
Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment
Russian as an instrument of successful communication
Sketches of Siberia. A town of Tomsk: Russian course for foreigners
The Changing Arctic
Coursera is the leading world platform of online education whose audience includes over 13 million people. Coursera provides open access to the educational courses developed by the best universities and the organizations of the world. The platform offers about 1,300 courses and collaborates with more than 125 partners.
The platform is used for publishing online courses created by the members of the National Open Education Platform Association and the partners, facilitates the adoption of international standards, formulates its own requirements to the quality of online courses and collaborates with providers of higher educational programmes, which are implemented using online courses hosted on the platform. Upon successful completion of the course, learners get a course certificate, and credits for the course can be counted towards the students’ curriculum at any university in Russia.
Stepik is an educational engine and platform, focused on STEM open lessons. Stepic allows for easy creation of interactive lessons with a variety of automated grading assignments.
Stepik vision is to build a library of open education content to be created and developed collaboratively by the community.
Collaboration with proctoring services
TSU MOOCs: Facts and Figures
![one mooc prodection](
![25 places](
![3-21% complete](
![99% positive feedback](
![500 learners](
![100 000 5 schools](
Integrating MOOCs into formal education
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Strategic initiative management in the framework of Tomsk State University Competitiveness Enhancement Program
Head of Department of Information Technologies of the Institute of Distance Education
Project promotion
Programmer of the Institute of Distance Education
Technical support of the МООСs on the TSU online platform
Director of the Institute of Distance Education
Project leadership
Cutter of the Institute of Distance Education
Cutting work, design
Head of MOOC Production and Support Centre
Project management
Career advisor of the Institute of Distance Education
Analytics in e-learning and online learning quality. Support of the МООСs on the National Open Education Platform