Innovations in Industry: Mechatronics and Robotics

Mechatronics and Robotics covers a wide range of issues, and it is difficult for one person to reach deep and explore all areas of robot research. This course will help learners to navigate and choose the specific direction for their further work: the structure and kinematics of robots, robot actuators, control and programming, the organization of modern highly robotized production, the use of CAD/CAM systems, manufacturing of parts on CNC machines and technological preparation of production.

After completing this course learners will be able to classify robots, to solve an important problem of kinematics: using knowledge in mathematics determine analytically the linear velocities and accelerations of manipulator link points, total angular velocities and accelerations of the manipulator links. They will learn how to calculate the characteristics of robot drives, including rapid assessment of velocities and accelerations by method of velocity polygons.

Learners will become familiar with the principles of robotic systems, methods and facilities of the production process control: precision machining parts, tool and equipment condition control. Learners will be able to design and effectively plan their own enterprise.

Needed Learner Background


Learners should have knowledge in physics and mathematics in the frame of high school.

The ability to understand and use properly the mathematical and physical terms, the ability to read formulas, the knowledge of principal physical units and their notations, understanding the fundamentals of mechanics will help learners complete the course successfully.

Target Audience

  • Students of engineering specialties
  • Advanced undergraduate engineers

Earn a Course Certificate

When you successfully complete your course, you’ll receive an electronic Course Certificate issued by the University and Coursera.

Course Certificates can enhance anyone’s lifelong education. Use your Course Certificate to help you to find a better job, gain valuable credentials, or build on what you already know. Many students list their accomplishment on their résumés/CVs and include it on social media/career profile profiles.

Terms and Conditions

The course is free. To access full course content, you’ll need to register on the platform Coursera and to enroll into the course. The course is always open, and you’ll be able to start as soon as you enroll.




Associate Professor, PhD, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Department, Tomsk Polytechnic University



Associate Professor, PhD, Applied Gas Dynamics and Combustion Department, Tomsk State University