Annual Siberian MOOC School aims
- to exchange of universities’ experience in creation of MOOCs
- to compare notes about challenges in modernization of educational activity
- to find and to discuss promising forms of methodological and technical support of learning process in MOOCs
- to represent achievements in realization of MOOC creation projects
The MOOC School is for all of those who plan to create an online course (instructors, teachers, business coaches) or to participate in such a project (managers, editors, methodologists)
Main speakers: representatives of foreign and Russian MOOC-platforms, the team of Tomsk State University including authors of MOOCs, coordinators of filming and learning processes, providers of MOOC creation projects of TSU
About 450 representatives of over 108 higher education institutions and organizations in the USA, Canada, Germany, Kasakhstan and Russia have participated in four MOOC Schools.
Participants are going to find out:
Secrets of successful MOOCs
Peculiarities of project management at all stages of production, promotion and implementation
How MOOC pedagogical script, video production and montage are to be done
What it takes to support a MOOC on an online platform
On completing the school program learners will be able to create their own MOOC pedagogical script or developing an idea of a MOOC project for their HEIs.
We welcome the representatives of Russian and foreign universities who are engaged in development of MOOCs, curators of learning in MOOCs and everyone who is interested in creation of MOOCs at one’s university
Ekaterina Arenkina
arenkina@ido.tsu.ruorganization of all the School activities, hotel room reservation for nonresident participants